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Avoin haku kirjaehdotuksille: Pandemiat

Helsinki University Pressillä on käynnissä avoin haku kirjaehdotuksille. Haun teemana on pandemioiden – sekä historiallisten että nykyisten – kulttuuriset, ekonomiset, sosiaaliset ja poliittiset ulottuvuudet. Julkaisemme englanninkielisiä monografioita ja artikkelikokoelmia.

HUP on voittoa tavoittelematon open access -tiedekustantamo. Kaikki kustantamamme tutkimus julkaistaan avoimesti ja ilmaiseksi saataville keskeisiin digitaalisiin arkistoihin sekä nettisivuillemme. Teemahaun kautta tulleiden tutkimusten julkaiseminen on tekijöille maksutonta.

Tarjoamme tutkijoille laadukkaat kustannuspalvelut, joihin kuuluvat mm. perusteellinen vertaisarviointi, kielenhuolto- ja hakemistopalvelut sekä teosten markkinointi. Olemme  tutkijoiden tukena läpi kustannusprosessin.

Alla lisää tietoa hausta englanniksi.


Call for book proposals: Impacts of Pandemics

Helsinki University Press (HUP) is seeking proposals for original research, across multiple disciplines, on the cultural, economic, social, and political dimensions of pandemics. We welcome proposals for monographs, short monographs, and edited volumes. Dissertations and conference proceedings will not be considered.

We are open to all methodological and epistemological approaches, and welcome research proposals that promote better understanding of historical and/or present pandemics.

All proposals are first evaluated by HUP’s editorial team and Academic Board. Selected proposals and manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process prior to a publishing decision. Accepted manuscripts will be published in open access with the possibility to buy paperbacks as print on demand. No author fees will be charged for manuscripts published through this call.

Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling base and proposals are welcome at any point up until 31 January 2023 (at 23:59 EEST).

For more detailed information please visit:

If you have any questions, please contact HUP’s Managing Editor Anna-Mari Vesterinen ()


About Helsinki University Press

Helsinki University Press is a new and expanding scholarly publisher, and our books and journals are selected for publication on the basis of scholarly merit. We provide high-quality open access publishing services for the academic community, and a channel to publish and disseminate their research results effectively, fairly, and globally. We are constantly looking for new book proposals and welcome submissions outside of this themed call as well.

See more on how to publish with us.