Call for Papers (DL: February 15, 2025)
Baltic Connections 2025: a Conference in Social Science History
May 21-23, 2025, University of Helsinki, Finland
The Baltic Connections 2025 will take place at the University of Helsinki, Finland, from May 21-23. It is hosted by the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Unit of Economic and Social History. As with the earlier conferences, we aim to bring together scholars working on comparative, economic, social, global, and other types of history and related social sciences to address various “East-West” historical processes and events as well as comparative and transnational analysis, including at the Baltic region, Europe, and the world. Potential topics include but are not limited to trade, migration, comparative development, international political economy and the diffusion and transplantation of institutions, ideas and cultural influences. We hope to promote interdisciplinary encounters and discussions, with the goal of bringing together scholars working in Western, Nordic, Central and East European, Baltic, and other universities. We are open to proposals that incorporate new digital technologies and ideas for roundtables. This year’s conference will also be a formal pre-conference host for the 2025 World Economic History Congress to be held in Lund, Sweden. We particularly welcome panel proposals for single or double sessions which are also planned for the World Congress. Please note this somewhere in the proposal.
The sixth Riitta Hjerppe Lecture in Social Science History will be given by Gregory Clark (University of Southern Denmark). Additional plenary sessions will be delivered by Ann-Kristin Bergquist (Uppsala University), and Mirva Peltoniemi (Tampere University).
The deadline for proposals is February 15, 2025. In addition to individual papers, proposals for whole three to four paper panels are also appreciated. The participants will be notified of acceptance by March 15 at the latest. To be fully considered, please include a main contact person and their email, plus the names, affiliations, and emails for all the participants (including coauthors who may not be planning to attend). Proposals for papers should be up to 500 words and for panels, a panel description of up to 500 words plus a listing of papers and/or presenters with brief, 150-word individual paper abstracts. The Scandinavian Economic History Review is offering a special fast-track consideration. Please specify that you would like to be considered for this in the proposal.
The conference hosts a session track on History of Technology and Industry organized by the Finnish Society for the History of Technology. The session track accepts paper and session proposals about all aspects of history of technology and industry but focuses especially on the theme of transnational and regional histories in the Nordic and Baltic areas. Moreover, the Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, Tekniikan Waiheita, also offers conference participants the possibility to submit their papers for fast-track consideration in the journal.
The conference will be held in-person, and we cannot guarantee a hybrid option for participation. Conference fees will be 170 euros for full registration and 80 euros for graduate students. The organizing institutions consist of University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, the Finnish Society for the History of Technology, and the Finnish Economic History Association. For more information, please email , or Jari Eloranta and Olli Turunen directly.