
Call for Proposals:  The 6th Doctors in Performance Festival Conference (DIP2025)

The University of the Arts Helsinki invites music performers and researchers to take part in Doctors in Performance, the sixth festival conference of music performance and artistic research. DIP2025 will be arranged at the University of the Arts Helsinki (Helsinki Music Centre) on September 3 – 5, 2025.

The Doctors in Performance Festival Conference (DIP) was established in 2014 at the University of the Arts Helsinki. Since then, it has been organized by the following institutions: The Royal Irish Academy of Music (2016, Dublin), The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilnius 2018), The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Tallinn, 2021) and The Royal Academy of Music (London, 2023). The Doctors in Performance Festival Conference (DIP) was established in 2014 at the University of the Arts Helsinki. Since then, it has been organized by the following institutions: The Royal Irish Academy of Music (2016, Dublin), The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilnius 2018), The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Tallinn, 2021) and The Royal Academy of Music (London, 2023).

DIP2025 is organized by the following units of the University of the Arts Helsinki: Sibelius Academy´s doctoral schools DocMus (Department of Classical Music) and MuTri (Department of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music), Research Institute´s History Forum Network and the Open Campus.

The core idea of DIP is to promote performance and research, especially artistic research, by giving performers, composers, and researchers the opportunity to present their research projects. DIP places the emphasis on performance itself and we particularly encourage recital and lecture recital submissions, although paper presentations on relevant fields of artistic research are also warmly welcome.

The keynote speakers of the festival conference are Professor of Folk Music Kristiina Ilmonen (University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy) and Dr. Inja Stanović (University of Surrey, Department of Music and Media).

The conference will be in-person only, in keeping with the performance focus of the event.

Call for Proposals is open between November 18, 2024 – February 28, 2025.

Presentations may be proposed in one of three formats:

  • a short recital with research introduction
  • a lecture recital
  • a research paper (including captured performance footage if appropriate)

Timings for presentations are as follows, each followed by 10-minutes discussion:

  • Recital + introduction: 30 minutes (including 5–10 mins of research introduction and set-up)
  • Lecture recital: 30 minutes (including set-up)
  • Paper presentation: 20 minutes

We can offer limited technical equipment and support during the presentations. Performance spaces will contain a grand piano, music stands and an A/V system with a screen and PA. We may be able to provide limited additional equipment on request, such as a mixing desk, stereo speakers and microphones. Please note that there will only be limited time for technical set-up and that we therefore cannot support complex events. Please let us know about your preliminary technical plans and we will try to allocate our resources accordingly.

The conference language is English, and all presentations should be in English.

Those interested should fill the provided template, which includes the following:

  • name and title of the presenter/s
  • institutional affiliation
  • type of presentation (recital, lecture recital or paper)
  • title and abstract for the presentation (300 words maximum), including details of any works to be performed
  • for recital and lecture-recital proposals, please include a link to recent video footage of you performing live (at least 5 mins); the repertoire
  • does not need to be relevant to the proposal
  • equipment needed for the presentation (instruments, technical requirements etc.)
  • biography (100 words maximum) and contact information
  • photo
  • technical requirements

Submit your proposal by 28 February 2025: DIP2025