History Conference hosted by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Oulu, the Faculty of History of the University of Vilnius, and Donelaitis Society, in cooperation with the Lithuanian Embassy to Finland and the Finnish Embassy to Lithuania
Opening session (Chair: Kari Alenius)
12.00–12.20 Opening words by:
H. E. Giedrius Kazakevičius, Ambassador of Lithuania to Finland
H. E. Arja Makkonen, Ambassador of Finland to Lithuania
Session I (Chair: Kari Alenius)
12.20–12.50 Vilma Bukaitė: Gaining a Confidence of the Distant Neighbour: Efforts of the Lithuanian Government to Receive the Diplomatic Recognition of Finland
12.50–13.20 Andrius Grodis: Great Britain’s Baltic Policy and Lithuanian-Finnish Relations 1918-1925
13.20–13.50 Jaakko Antila: Professor Vilius Gaigalaitis, King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden, and the Emerging Theological Interaction between Finland and Lithuania, 1927-1933
13.50–14.20 Coffee break
Session II (Chair: Andrius Grodis)
14.20–14.50 Saulius Kaubrys: Lithuanian-Finnish Trade Relations in the 1920’s–1930’s
14.50–15.20 Kari Alenius: The Image of Lithuania in the Finnish Literature during the Cold War and Beyond
15.20–15.50 Dalia Bukelevičiūtė: The First Decade of Lithuanian-Finnish Bilateral Relations 1990-2000: Challenges and Opportunities
15.50–16.00 General discussion and closing of the conference
Register to the conference at: https://www.donelaitis.fi/ilmoittaudu-konferenssiin-suomen-ja-liettuan-diplomaattisuhteet-100-vuotta-12-10-2021/
Limited seats due to the coronavirus situation. Registration is mandatory. Registeration is open until 11.10.2021 16.00 pm.
Conference is also streamed online via Zoom. Link can be recieved by registration.