Dear Colleagues in the Hagiographic research field,
the Hagiographica Septentrionalia network, founded in 2012 as part of our Trivium Research Centre, has not been particularly active in recent years, but we think it is time to change this! Research has moved forward on many frontiers; new publications have appeared, research projects have been launched and new ones are percolating. The field of Nordic hagiography studies, that is scholars working either with Nordic hagiographic material or within Northern Europe on general hagiography, is still far too scattered, and we feel we could gain synergy by getting to know each other, our work and future plans better.
Therefore, we invite you to a two-day workshop at Tampere University, on September 18th-19th 2020 (pending possible developments in the corona virus situation). Following the original idea of Hagiographica Septentrionalia, the workshop intends to promote and discuss hagiographic research of different fields and disciplines from Late Antiquity up to the Early Modern period.
We invite proposals for 20 min papers, poster presentations or panel discussions. We are interested in both project presentations (either on-going or planned) and presentations of individual research. We aim at a fertile and inspiring working seminar with diverse modes of presentations and vivid discussions, hoping to advance networking and collaboration within this field.
Due to the corona virus situation, we have extended the deadline for proposals. If interested, send you proposal to Saku Pihko by August 23. Please, indicate the preferred type of presentation. You are most welcome to participate in discussions and networking even without a presentation. The workshop is free of charge. We have a limited budget which enables a support for travel expenses for non-funded doctoral students or recent post-docs. For further information, please contact Sari Katajala-Peltomaa . For recent activities of Trivium see also
Sari Katajala-Peltomaa & Christian Krötzl
(From the founding document of Hagiographica Septentrionalia in 2012)
The society ’Hagiographica Septentrionalia’ intends to promote interdisciplinary research on the social, cultural, political and other functions of sainthood in European medieval society.
The geographical focus of our activities lies in the Northern regions of Europe, around the Baltic and the North Sea, including neighboring regions. We are interested in all kind of research related to sainthood in a broad sense, on general Christian and European cults from Late Antiquity up to the early Modern period, as well as on local and regional sainthood. The interplay and exchanges between Northern, Southern and other regional forms of sainthood are of special interest too. We are especially interested in the place and functions of sainthood within society, everyday life and culture.
The society is open to all scholars from the world-wide academic community, who are working on Northern sainthood or are simply interested in hagiographic research done in the North and/or by North-European researchers.
The society is based at the University of Tampere, Finland, and linked to the Centre for Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies ’TRIVIUM’, which is attached to the School of Social Sciences at Tampere University.