St. Andrewin yliopistossa 10.6.-19.7.2019 järjestettävästä varhaismodernin ajan kirjahistorian kesäkoulusta. Aiempaa kirjahistorian tuntemusta ei tarvita, kiinnostus alaan riittää! Kesäkoulu on suunnattu FM- tai FT-tason opiskelijoille.
Hakemuksien DL on 31.1.2019!
The St Andrews Book History Group welcomes applications for our summer programme. Successful applicants will spend six weeks, Monday 10 June – Friday 19 July 2019, in St Andrews as members of the group. During this time they will be given a comprehensive introduction to the Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC), its data gathering and methods of analysis, and take a full part in the activities of the group. They will also receive an introduction to the techniques of material bibliography and working with early printed books.
The USTC annual book conference also forms part of the programme. All successful applications on the scheme will be participants in our 2019 conference, ‘Crisis or Enlightenment’, scheduled for 20-22 June 2019. The costs of their places at the conference will be met by the project.
Applicants should have interests in the field of early modern history or book history. The programme will particularly suit advanced undergraduates contemplating further research in early modern history, or those who have embarked on or completed training at the Master’s level. Those chosen will form part of an international group; in recent years we have hosted scholars from many European countries.
Applicants should also have a command of written and spoken English, and advanced competence in at least one other European language. Training in Latin will also be an advantage.
The programme is limited to eight external participants, who will be provided with accommodation for the duration of the programme free of charge, as well as the costs of transportation from their normal domicile.
Interested candidates should apply by e-mail attachment to Dr Arthur der Weduwen ().
Your application should describe your qualifications and intellectual interests, and specify your language competence. Please append the name of one academic referee, who should be asked to write directly by email to Dr Arthur der Weduwen, to whom any preliminary enquiries should also be directed.
The deadline for applications is 31 January 2019, and successful candidates will be notified in February 2019.