Lämpimästi tervetuloa julkistamaan teosta Early Professional Women in Northern Europe, c. 1650–1850 (eds J. Ilmakunnas, M. Rahikainen & K. Vainio-Korhonen, Routledge 2017)
Sirkkalan Historicumin Aikalaan (Kaivokatu 12, Turku, 2. krs) keskiviikkona 18.10.2017 kello 15–16
Kirjan esittely, tarjoilua
Kutsua saa mielellään välittää eteenpäin kiinnostuneille.
The book focuses on early examples of women who may be said to have anticipated, in one way or another, modern professional and/or career-oriented women. The book discusses women who may at least in some respect be seen as professionally ambitious, unlike the great majority of working women in the past. In order to improve their positions or to find better business opportunities, the women discussed in this book invested in developing their qualifications and professional skills, took economic or other kinds of risks, or moved to other countries. Socially, they range from elite women to women of middle-class and lower middle-class origin.
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