Konferenssit ja seminaarit

Kokemuksen historian huippuyksikön (HEX) kick off -seminaari

Tapahtuma on kaikille avoin. Pyydämme ilmoittautumaan verkkosivujemme kautta 3.4.2018 mennessä. Tervetuloa!


Thursday 12 April (Linna K103)

12:15 Opening of the HEX Kick-off seminar: The Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences, Prof. Pertti Haapala

13:00 Lived Religion as History of Experiences (Dr Raisa Toivo)
13:30 Comments, Prof. Alexandra Walsham (University of Cambridge)

14:00 Coffee

14:30 Lived Nation as History of Experiences (Dr Ville Kivimäki)
15:00 Comments, Dr Stephanie Olsen (McGill University, Montreal)

15:30 Lived Welfare State as History of Experiences (Prof. Pirjo Markkola)
16:00 Comments, Prof. Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark, Odense)

16:30 Break

16:45 Dr Sari Katajala-Peltomaa: Demons, Miracles and the Sacred: Interpreting as/the Experience
17:10 Dr Jenni Kuuliala: Lived Religion, Healing, and Disability in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy
17:35 Dr Riikka Miettinen: Delusions and Spiritual Healing – Religious Experiences among the ‘Mad’ in Early Modern Sweden

Friday 13 April (Pinni A 3111)

9:00 SAB meeting

10:15 Dr Heikki Kokko: Experience of Modern Belonging in Finland in the mid-1800s: a Digital Approach
10:40 Dr Sami Suodenjoki: Approaching Imperial Experience through Encounters between Citizens and Officialdom
11:05 Dr Johanna Annola: Lived Workhouse: Finland and England at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

11:30 Lunch

13:00 Dr Louise Settle: Policing Private Experiences: Gender, Probation and the British State, 1900-1960
13:25 Dr Minna Harjula: Encountering the Local Social Security Institutions: Lived Welfare State in Finland, 1930s-1980s
13:50 Dr Kirsi-Maria Hytönen: Meanings of Parenthood in Life Stories of Care Leavers

14:15 Coffee

14:40 Dr Antti Malinen: Children’s Experiences of Friendship in Post-War Finland 1945-1960
15:05 Dr Tanja Vahtikari: Experiencing the Past and the Nation through Historical Pageantry

15:30 Closing of the HEX Kick-off seminar

16.00 Kick-off beer at Telakka