Konferenssit ja seminaarit

Toinen Suomen ympäristöhistorian päivä

Short Welcome / Alkusanat

Morning panel / Aamupaneeli

  • From resource limits to unlimited growth – Finnish free-market thought and the challenge of environmentalism between 1974 and 1985, Tero Toivanen, Helsinki Collegium for Advances Studies & University of Helsinki
  • The unknown protector of northern nature? The Finnish army in the Second World War, Simo Laakkonen, University of Turku
  • Environmental history of Helsinki urban wetlands, Somayeh Alikhani, University of Helsinki
  • From non-conflict to Green colonialism – Sami herders, Sami Parliament and nature conservation, Jukka Nyyssönen, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

Discussion / Keskustelu

Lunch / Lounas

Afternoon panel 1. / Iltapaneeli 1.

  • ”Destroying the Forest by Feeding the Herd: The Interplay between Non-Human Animals and Forestry in Finland during 1910s”, Juha Haavisto, University of Turku
  • Techno-Greens: the relationship between environment and technology in the Finnish Green Party 1985-2002, Risto-Matti Matero, University of Jyväskylä
  • Trash Food? Fish as Food in Finnish Society between the 1870s and the 1990s, Matti O. Hannikainen, University of Helsinki

Break / Tauko

Afternoon panel 2. / Iltapaneeli 2.

  • Metsä moninaiset merkitykset koulutus- ja ympäristöhistorian näkökulmasta, Otso Kortekangas, Åbo Akademi; Helsingin yliopisto
  • Saharan dust in the Finnish atmosphere and on the ground? The first systematic data on long-range transported dust in Finland in 1980-2022, Outi Meinander, Ilmatieteen laitos – Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • Inkerinsuomalaisten perinteiset elinkeinot, niiden muutos ja ruoan saatavuus esiteollisella aikakaudella, Andrei Kalitnitchev, Siirtolaisuusinstituutti – Migration Institute of Finland

Book Launch Session / Kirjan julkaisutilaisuus

Green Development or Greenwashing? Environmental Histories of Finland

Special Guests:

Sarah Johnson, Partner, White Horse Press, UK

Professor Mark Hersey, Mississippi State University, USA


Download the Open Access Book in PDF HERE >>>

Discussion / Keskustelu

End of Program / Loppu

After the official program, you are welcome to join the organizers at the Thirsty Scholar at your cost.  (Fabianinkatu 37) / Virallisen ohjelman jälkeen olet tervetullut mukaan Thirsty Scholarissa, omalla kustaanuksella. (Fabianinkatu 37)