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Edellinen * Sisällys * Seuraava


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6. Muu alkuperäisaineisto

  • The Beekman Mercantile Papers 1746-1799. Transcribed and edited by Philip L. White. I-III. New York 1956. English Historical Documents IX: American Colonial Documents to 1776. Edited by Merrill Jensen. London 1955.

  • March of American Facsimiles Series.

    • Sarja käsittää sata erilaista matkakertomusta, jotka ajallisesti ulottuvat 1500-luvulta 1800-luvulle. Listaan on otettu ne teokset, jotka koskevat nykyisen Yhdysvaltain itä- ja eteläosien oloja 1500-1700-luvuilla.

    • 5. Hakluyt, Richard (comp.): Divers voyages touching the discoverie of America, and the ilands adjacent unto the same... London 158

    • 9. Nunez Cabeza da Vaca, Alvar: Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabeza da Vaca. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. New York 1871.

    • 12. Hakluyet, Richard, tr.: Virginia richly valued, by the description of the maine land of Florida... Written by a Portugali gentleman of Elvas. London 1609.

    • 15. Bry, Theodore d. (ed.): A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia... In the yeere 1585... At the Speciall charge and direction of... Sir Walter Raleigh.. This fore booke is made in English by Thomas Hariot. Frankfort am Main 1590.

    • 16. Brereton, John: A briefe and true relation of the discoverie of the north part of Virginia.. Made this present yeere 1602. London 1602.

    • 17. Rosier, James: A true relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1605... London 1605. 18. Smith, John: The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer isles... from... 1583 to this present 1624. London 1624.

    • 21. Mourt's relation. A Relation or Journall of the beginning and proceedinds of the English plantation setled at Plymouth in New England... London 1622.

    • 22. A relation of Maryland, together, with a map of the countrey, the conditions of plantation, His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltimore, transkated into English. London 1635.

    • 23. Mason, John: A brief history of the Pequet War: especially of the memorable taking of their fort at Mistick in Connecticut in 1637. Boston 1736.

    • 24. Bland, Edward: The discovery of New Brittaine. Began August 27 Anno Dom. 1650, by Edward Bland, Abraham Woode, Sackford Brewster, Elias Pennant... London 1651.

    • 25. Lederer, John: The discoveries of John Lederer, in three several marches from Virginia to the west of Carolina... Collected and translated out of Latine from his discourse and writings, by Sir William Talbot. London 1672.

    • 26. Denton, Daniel: A brief description of New York: formerly called New-Netherlands. London 1670.27. Dankaerts, Jasper: Journal of a voyage to New York, and a tour in several of the American colonies in 1679-80, by Jaspar Dankers and Peter Sluyter. Translated and edited by Henry C. Murphy. Brooklyn 1867.

    • 28. Marquette, Jacques: "Voyages du P. Jacques Marquette 1673-75" in The Jesuit Relations and allied documents. Travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France 1610-1791, edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Cleveland 1896-1901. vol.59.

    • 29. King Philip's War Narratives. The Present state of New England with respect to the Indian war. London 1675. - A continuation of the state of New-England: being a farther account of the Indian warr. London 1676. - A new and further narrative of the state of New-England being a continued account of the bloody Indian war. London 1676.

    • - A true account of the most considerable occurrences that have hapned in the warre between the English and the Indians in New-England. London 1676.

    • - The war in new England visibly ended. London 1677.

    • 30. Hennepin, Louis: A description of Louisiana. Translated by John Gilmary Shea. New York 1880.

    • 31. Joutel, Henri: A journal of the last voyage perfor'd by Mons de La Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico. London 1714.

    • 32. Buss, Thomas: Good order established in Pennsilvania & New Jersey in America. 1685.

    • 33. Fallows, Arthur: Journal from "Discoveries beyond the Appalachian Mountains in September 1671" by David I. Bushnell, Jr. in "American Anthropologist" n.s. IX (1907).

    • 34. Williams, John: The redeemed captive returning to Zion... 6th ed. Boston 1795.

    • 35. Lawson, John: A new voyage to Carolina... London 1709

    • 36. Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Zavier de: Journal of a voyage to North America... London 1761 2 v.

    • 37. Stephen, William: A journal of the proceedings in Georgia, beginning October 20, 1737. London 1742. v.1 & 2.

    • 39. Acrelius, Israel: A history of New Sweden. Translated from the Swedish... by William M. Reynolds. Philadelphia 1874.

    • 41. Bartram, John: Observations on the inhabitants, climate, soil. London 1751.

    • 44. Rogers, Robert: Journals of Major Robert Rogers... London 1765.

    • 45. Smith, William: An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians... Philadelphia 1765.

    • 46. Morris, Thomas: Journal of Captain Thomas Morris... from Miscellanies in prose and verse. London 1791.

    • 48. English, William Hayden: Conquest of the country northwest of the River Ohio. Indianapolis 1896.

  • Marine Logs and Journals 91-1, 92-2. The Essex Institute Collections. Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts. Mikrofilmejä.

  • Maryland. Maryland State Archives. Hall of Records. Admiralty Court Papers Box I,II. Minutes of the Court of Admiralty, Court of Vice-Admiralty; Revolutionary War Papers Box 1,2, ship Defence Accounts 1776-1777.

  • Pennsylvania. Admiralty Court Papers, Jan. 1780 - Sept. 1780, Oct. 1780 - August 1781, September 1781 - Dec. 1781, 1782. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Mikrofilmi.

  • Policy of the United States toward Maritime Commerce in War.Prepared by Carlton Savage. Vol.I:1776-1914. Washington 1935.

  • Porter, Kenneth Wiggins: The Jacksons and the Lees. Two Generations of Massachusetts Merchants 1765-1844. I-II. Harvard Studies in Business History III (1937). New York 1969.

Edellinen * Sisällys * Seuraava

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