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Edellinen * Sisällys * Lyhenteet * Seuraava
Afrikan historian lähdeaineistot, bibliografiat, aikakausjulkaisut ja akateemiset opinnäytteet Suomessa


Hallinnolliset ja diplomaattiset asiakirjat sekä lehdistö

Anti-Slavery Reporter and Aborigines Friend. London. 1840-1909. Mikrokortti. (TaY, hist.)

Bell, Kenneth N. & Morrell, W.P, Select documents on British colonial policy 1830-1860. London 1968. (EK)

British East Africa. Economic survey.
1. Overseas Trade Department. 1921-1939.
2. Export Promotion Department. 1948.
3. Commercial Relations and Export Department. 1953. (JoY, hist.)

British Parliamentary Papers. Colonies. Slave Trade. Irish University Press. (EK)

Brownlie, Ian (ed.), Basic documents on African affairs. Oxford 1971. 556 s. (TaYK)

Colonial office confidential prints [Great Britain]: Africa C.O. 879/1-58, 1848-1899. Mf. (TaY, hist.)

Deutsch Südwest Afrikanische Zeitung. 1899-1920. 8 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. 1884-1922. 22 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. 1884-1921. 22 mf-rullaa (JY, hist.)

Deutsches Kolonialblatt. 1890-1921. 18 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Deutsches Kolonialblatt. 1890-1921. 18 mf-rullaa. (JY, hist.)

East Africa. Colonial numbered series. Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 19 mikrokorttia. (JoY, hist.)

East African Common Services Organization Official Gazette. 1962-1967. 2 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

East African Community Official Gazette. 1967-1970. 1 mf-rulla. (JoY, hist.)

East African High Commission Official Gazette. 1957-1961. 1 mf-rulla. (JoY, hist.)

Gold Coast. Annual departmental reports relating to the Gold Coast and British Togoland 1843-1956. Mf (TaY, hist.)

Kay, G.B., The Political economy of colonialism in Ghana: a collection of documents and statistics 1900-1960. Cambridge 1972. (TaYK)

Kenya. African Affairs Department Annual Report. Kenya Colony and Protectorate. 1923-1957. 2 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Kenya. Annual Department Reports relating to Kenya and the East Africa High Commission. 1903-1963. 116 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Kenya. Annual Report of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Great Britain Colonial Office. 1949-1963. 1 mf-rulla. (JoY, hist)

Kenya. Colonial numbered series. Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 53 mikrokorttia. (JoY, hist.)

Kenya. Development Plans. 1946-1974. Mikrokortteja. (JoY, hist.)

Kenya. Government Publications.
Annual Reports. 1930-1938, 1950-1962. 4 mf-rullaa.
Blue Books. 1901-1946. 13 mf-rullaa.
National Assembly, House of Representatives, Official Report. 1907-1971. 32 mf-rullaa.
Gazette. 1920-1971. 46 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Koloniale Rundschau. 1909-1927. 9 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Lüderitzbüchter Zeitung. 1909-1920. 4 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Marokko. Aktenstücke über Marokko. September 1906 - April 1908. Berlin 1908. (TYK)

Marshall, H.H., From dependence to Statehood in Commonwealth Africa: selected documents, World War I to independence.
Vol.1: Southern Africa. 1980.
Vol.2: Central Africa. 1982. (EK)

Mission Tidning för Finland. (SLS)

Namibia. Kaiserliches Gouvernment Zentralbureau Windhoek. 34 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Newbury, C.W., British Policy towards West Africa. Select documents 1786-1874. Oxford 1965. (EK)

Newbury, C.W., British Policy Towards West Africa. Select Documents 1875-1914. Oxford University Press 1971. (TaY, hist.)

Die Ovambos. Deutsches Zentralarchiv, Potsdam. 1886-1910. 1 mf-rulla. (JoY, hist.)

Sierra Leone. Government publications to Sierra Leone: annual reports 1866-1895. Blue Books 1866-1868. East Ardsley. Microform 1976. (TaYK)

South Africa: the war of 1899-1902 and the Chinese labour question. Ed. by Baruh Hirson. East Ardsley. Microform 1983. (TaYK)

Suomen Lähetyssanomat. 1859-. (SLS)

Tanganyika. Colonial numbered series. Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 87 mikrokorttia. (JoY, hist.)

Tanganyika. Department Reports. 7 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Tanganyika. Development Plans. 1947-1974. Mikrokortteja. (JoY, hist.)

Tanganyika. Government Publications.
Notes and Records. 1936-1964. 189 mikrokorttia.
Blue Books. 1921-1948. 6 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Tanganyika. Official Gazette, Tanganyika. 1919-1933. 14 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Uganda. Annual Report of the Colony and Protectorate of Uganda. Great Britain Colonial Office. 1 mf-rulla. (JoY, hist.)

Uganda. Department Records. 1903-1961. 68 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Uganda. Development Plans. 1947-1971. Mikrokortteja. (JoY, hist.)

Uganda. Government Publications.
Annual Reports. 1933-1961. 3 mf-rullaa.
Blue Books. 1901-1945. 9 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Uganda Journal. 1934-1962. 3 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik. 1899-1911. 8 mf-rullaa. (JoY, hist.)

Edellinen * Sisällys * Lyhenteet * Seuraava

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