haku Historian äärelle kartta
uutta hakemisto

Edellinen * Sisällys * Lyhenteet * Seuraava
Afrikan historian lähdeaineistot, bibliografiat, aikakausjulkaisut ja akateemiset opinnäytteet Suomessa


Africa. A handbook. Ed. Colin Legum. 2. ed. London 1965. 558 s. ill. (HYK)

Africa. A handbook to the continent. Ed. C. Legum. 553 s. London 1961. (HYK)

Africa: a directory of resources. Comp. and ed. by Thomas P. Fenton and Mary J. Heffron. New York 1987. (HYK)

Africa and its explorers. Motives, methods, and impact. Ed. Robert I. Rothberg. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. (HYK)

Africa since 1914: a historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, LA 1985. (EK) (JoYK) (TaYK)

Africa south of the Sahara. An assessment of human and material resources prep. by a study group of the South African Institute of international affairs under the chairmanship of Francis de Guingand. Ed. by Anne Welsh. Cape Town & London 1951. (HYK)

African Bibliographic Center. Vol 7: Current Themes in African Historical Studies. A Selected Bibliographical Guide to Resources for research in African History. Ed. by Daniel G. Matthews. Washington DC 1970. (JoY, hist.)

Afrika-Bibliographie. Verzeichnis des wissenschaftlichen Schrifttums in deutscher Sprache aus dem Jahre 1964. Bonn 1966. (EK)

Afrika-Schrifttum. Literature on Africa. Études sur L'Afrique. Wiesbaden 1966. (ÅAB)

Afrikkaa käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Eduskunnan kirjasto. Helsinki 1984. (HY, maant.)

Afro-Asiatiske studier i Norden. Nordisk udredningsserie 1965:5. Stockholm 1965. (EK)

Asamani, J.O., Index Africanus. Hoover Institution Bibliographies 53. Stanford University 1975. (TY, pol.hist.) (EK)

Att studera Afrika: en litteraturvägledning. Red. Kristiina Rylander. Uppsala: Nordiska afrikainstitutet 1989. (HY, maant.)

Bederman, Sanford H., Africa. A bibliography of geography and related disciplines. Atlanta, Georgia 1974. (HY, maant.)

Bederman, Sanford H., A bibliographic aid to the study of the geography of Africa. Atlanta, Ga. 1970. (HYK)

Beudot, Francoise, Éléments de bibliographie sur la sécheresse au Sahel. Paris: OECD. 9: mise à jour. 1985.- 10. 1986. - 11. 1987. - 12. 1988. - 13. 1990. (TaYK)

Bibliographies on South African political history. Comp. by O. Geyser, P.W. Goetzer, J.H. Le Roux. Boston Mass.
Vol.1: Register of private document collections on the political history of South Africa since 1902. 1979.
Vol.2: General sources on South African political history since 1902. 1979.
Vol.3: Index to periodical articles on South African political and social history since 1902. 1982. (EK)

Bibliography on Namibia. January-June 1976. Ed. by Micheline Fontolliet. Geneve 1976. (JoYK)

Blackhurst, Hector, Africa bibliography 1984. Manchester University Press 1985. (JoYK)

Blackhurst, Hector, Africa bibliography 1986. Manchester University Press 1987. (JoYK)

Blackhurst, Hector, Africa bibliography 1987. Manchester University Press 1988. (JoYK)

Blackhurst, Hector, Africa bibliography 1988 with an introductory article by Henry Chakawa. Manchester University Press 1989. (JoYK)

Boeder, Robert B., Malawi. Oxford 1979. (EK)

Boy, Joachim, Nationalbibliographien Schwarzafrikas. Entwicklungen und heutiger Stand. Köln: Greven Verlag 1981. (TaYK) (HYK)

Bridgman, Jon & Clarke, David E., German Africa. A selected annotated bibliography. Hoover institution bibliographical series 19. Stanford 1965. (EK) (JoY, hist.)

Broms, Henri, Kehitysmaat. Uudempaa kotimaista ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta. Kauppakorkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuja 9. Helsinki 1973. (EK)

Catalog of African government documents and African area index. 2. ed. rev. and enlarged. Comp. by Mary Darrah Herrick. Boston 1964. (EK)

Chilcote, Ronald H., Emerging nationalism in Portuguese Africa. A bibliography of documentary ephemera through 1965. Hoover institution bibliographical series 39. Stanford 1969. (EK)

Coetze, P.W & le Roux J.H., Index to periodical articles on South African political and social history since 1902. Boston 1982. (JoYK)

Collison, Robert L., Kenya. Oxford 1982. (EK)

Collison, Robert L., Uganda. Oxford 1981. (EK)

Conover, H.F., Africa south of the Sahara. A selected, annotated list of writings. Washington 1963. (EK)

Conover, H.F., African libraries, book production and archives. A list of references. Washington 1962. (EK)

Conover, H.F., Introduction to Africa. A selective guide. Washington 1952. (HYK)

Cumulative bibliography of African studies author catalogue. London 1973. (JoYK)

Daly, M.W., Sudan. Oxford 1984. (EK)

Documentation, libraries and archives. Bibliographies and reference works. 5. Directory of Documentation, libraries and archives services in Africa. 2. ed. by Dominique Zidouemba, revised and enlarged by Eric de Grodier. Paris: UNESCO 1977. (EK)

Duignan, Peter, Madagascar (the Malagasy republic). A list of materials in the African collections of Stanford university and the Hoover institution on war, revolution and peace. Hoover institution bibliographical series 9. Stanford 1962. (EK)

Duignan, Peter, United States and Canadian publications on Africa in 1961. Hoover institution bibliographical series 14. Stanford 1963. (EK)

Duignan, Peter, United States and Canadian publications on Africa in 1962. Hoover institution bibliographical series 15. Stanford 1964. (EK)

Duignan, Peter & Gann, L.H., Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960. Volume 5: A bibliographical Guide to Colonialism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge 1973. (JoY, hist. (TaYK) (HYK) (EK)

Duignan, Peter & Glazier, Kenneth M., A checklist of serials for African studies. Based on the libraries of the Hoover institution and Stanford university. Hoover institution bibliographical series 13. Stanford 1963. (EK) (HYK)

Eirola, Martti, Namibiana in Finland I. Opas suomalaisiin Namibiaa ennen vuotta 1938 koskeviin arkistolähteisiin. Joensuu 1985. (JY, hist.) (TaYK) (HYK) (OYK)

Elements for a bibliography of the Sahel drought. OECD Development centre. Updating 4., ref. 1635-2217. By Francoise Beudot. Paris 1980. (EK)

Eriksen, Tore L., The political economy of Namibia. An annotated, critical bibliography. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies 1985. (JoYK)

Fachkatalog Afrika = Subject catalog Africa.
Bd. 4: Kulturantropologie. Bearb. von Irmtraud Dietlinde. München 1980.
Bd. 5: Geowissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaften. Bearb. von Irmtraud Dietlinde. 1981.
Bd. 7: Buch- und Bibliothekswesen. Erziehung. Wissenschaft. 1983.
Bd. 10: Ostafrika. Bearb. von Irmtraud Dietlinde. 2 vol. München 1984. (HYK)

Findlay, A.M., Morocco. Oxford 1979. (EK)

Findlay, A.M., Tunisia. Oxford 1982. (EK)

Fyra afrikanska stater. Tunisien, Etiopien, Kenya, Tanzania. Litteraturförteckning utarbetad av en arbetsgrupp inom SIDA. Bibliotekstjänst. Lund 1967. (TY, pol.hist.)

General index to the bills, reports and papers printed by order of the House of Commons and to the reports and papers presented by command 1900 to 1948-49. London 1960. (EK)

Glazier, Kenneth M., Africa south of Sahara. A select and annotated bibliography, 1958-1963. Hoover institution bibliographical series 16. Stanford 1964. (EK) (TY, pol.hist.)

Glazier, Kenneth M., Africa south of Sahara. A select and annotated bibliography, 1964-1968. Hoover institution bibliographical series 42. Stanford 1969. (EK)

Goehlert, Robert U., The Parliament of Great Britain: a bibliography. Lexington, MA. 1983. (EK)

Gorman, G.E., Guide to current national bibliographies in the Third World. Hans Zell Publishers 1984. (HYK)

Gorman G.E. & Mills, J.J., Guide to Current National Bibliographies in the Third World. Hans Zell Publishers 1987. (TaYK)

Granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples: a selective bibliography 1960-1980. Dag Hammarskjöld Library. New York: United Nations 1980. (EK)

Gray, Beverly Ann, Uganda. Subject guide to official publications. Washington: Library of Congress 1977. (EK)

Gray, Richard & Chambers, David, Materials for West African History in Italian Archives. University of London. The Athlone Press 1965. (TY, pol.hist.)

Gregory, Robert G., A guide to the Kenya National Archives to the microfilms of the provincial and district annual reports, record books, and handingover reports. Syracuse, N.Y. 1968. (JoYK)

Guide to Islam. Boston 1983. (OYK)

Guide to Non-Federal Archives and Manuscripts in the Unites States relating to Africa:
Vol 1: Alabama - New Mexico.
Vol 2: New York - Wisconsin. Washington DC 1989. (JoY, hist.)

Guide to research and reference works in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ed. by Peter Duignan. Comp. by Helen F. Conover and Peter Duignan. Hoover institution bibliographical series 46. Stanford 1971. (EK) (ÅAB)

Guide to the sources of the history of Africa. Scandinavia: Sources in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. International Council on Archives. Inter Documentation Company, Switzerland 1971. (TY, pol.hist.)

Guide to the sources of the history of Africa. 1. Quellen zur Geschichte Afrikas südlich der Sahara in den Archiven der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Inter Documentation Company. 1970. (JoYK)

Guide to the sources of the history of Africa. Guide des sources de l'histoire de l'Afrique. International council on archives. Inter Documentation Company. (TYK)

Guide to the sources of the history of Africa. 8. Scandinavia. Sources in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Copenhagen 1971. (TYK) (JoY, hist.)

Guthrie, M., Comparative Bantu I-IV. (HY, Aasian ja Afrikan kielten ja kulttuurien laitos)

Halldin Norberg, Viveca, Litteratur om Afrika utgiven i Norden 1975-78. Uppsala: Nordiska afrikainstitutet 1982. (HYK) (OYK) (JoYK)

Hallenberg, Helena, Ulkoeurooppalaisia aineistoja Suomessa. Helsinki 1988. (TaYK) (HYK)

Halstead, John P. & Porcari, Serafino, Modern European Imperialism: A bibliography of books and articles 1815-1972. I-II. Boston Mass. 1974. (HYK) (JoY, hist.)

Hansard's catalogue and breviate of parliamentary papers 1696-1834. Oxford 1953. (EK)

Havlice, Patricia Pate, Oral history: a reference guide and annotated bibliography. Jefferson NC. 1985. (EK)

Hertefelt, Marcel d', Bibliographie de L'Afrique sud-saharienne: sciences humaines et sociales. 1980-84. (HYK)

Hess, Robert L. & Coger, Dalvan M., A bibliography of primary source for nineteenth-century tropical Africa as recorded by explorers, missionaries, traders, travellers, administrators, military men, adventurers and others. Hoover institution bibliographical series 47. Stanford 1979. (EK)

Hillebrecht, Verner, Namibian bibliographical data files. The complete files of the Namibian Bibliographical Data Project, Bremen. Bremen 1987. [Valokopio]. (JoYK)

Hillebrecht, Werner, Namibia in theses and dissertations. A bibliography on all aspects of Namibian concern including German colonial policy and international law 1851-1984. Basler Afrika Bibliographien vol. 30. Basel 1985. (JoYK)

Hofmann, Liselotte, United States and Canadian publications and theses on Africa in 1963. Hoover institution bibliographical series 20. Stanford 1965. (EK)

Hofmann, Liselotte, United States and Canadian publications and theses on Africa in 1964. Hoover institution bibliographical series 25. Stanford 1966. (EK)

Hofmann, Liselotte, United States and Canadian publications and theses on Africa in 1965. Hoover institution bibliographical series 34. Stanford 1967. (EK)

Hofmann, Liselotte, United States and Canadian publications and theses on Africa in 1966. Hoover institution bibliographical series 38. Stanford 1970. (EK)

Howell, John Bruce, East African community. Subject guide to official publications. Washington: Library of Congress 1976. (EK)

Howell, John Bruce, Kenya. Subject guide to official publications. Washington: Library of Congress 1978. (EK)

International African bibliography 1973-78: Books, articles and papers in African Studies. 1982. (OYK)

International guide to African Studies research. Ed. by the International African Institute. London 1987. (EK)

Johnson, A.F., A bibliography of Ghana 1930-61. London 1964. (EK)

Joint Acquisitions List of Africana. Evanston, Illinois. (HY, Aasian ja Afrikan kielten ja kulttuurien laitos)

Kenia-bibliografia. Kenia-kirjallisuutta Helsingin kirjastoissa. Koonneet Jaana Jurvanen, Kimmo Juvas, Riitta Paalanen ja Kjell Vikman. Helsinki 1981. (HY, maant.) (EK) (HYK)

Killick, Tony, The economies of East Africa: a bibliography 1974-80. Boston 1984. (TaYK)

Kirk-Greene, Anthony H.M., A biographical dictionary of the British colonial governor. Vol. 1. Africa. Stanford, CA. 1980. (EK)

Kitaj, Torben & Wangel, Arne, Litteratur on u-landene og den internationale udvikling. Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke. Viborg a-s 1977. (TY, pol.hist.)

Klingerhofer, E.L., A bibliography of psychological research and writings on Africa. Uppsala 1967. (EK)

Krüger, O.W., (ed.) South African parties and policies 1910-1960. A select source book. Cape Town 1960. (EK)

Lawless, Richard I., Algeria. Oxford 1980. (EK)

Lehtinen, Rauno & Pärssinen, Pentti, Afrikkaa käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Helsinki 1964. (EK) (HYK)

Leng, Gunter, Desertification: a bibliography with regional emphasis on Africa. 1982. (OYK)

Leys, Roger & Norgaard, Ole, Litteratur om Tanzania. Annoteret bibliografi. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt. Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke 1971. (TY, pol.hist.)

A list of American doctoral dissertations on Africa. Publ. by Library of Congress. Washington 1962. (HYK)

Liste mondiale des périodiques spécialisés ÉTUDES AFRICAINES. World List of Specialized Periodicals AFRICAN STUDIES. Maison des sciences de l'homme service d'échange d'informations scientifiques. Mouton. Paris 1969. (TY, pol.hist.)

Litteratur om Afrika: annoterad bibliografi. Red. av Anna-Britta Wallenius & Vagn Plenge. Uppsala: Nordiska afrikainstitutet 1973. (TaYK) (OYK)

Lockot, Hans Wilhelm, Bibliographia Aethiopica. Die Äthiopienkundliche Literature des deutschssprachigen Raums. Wiesbaden 1982. (JoYK)

Lyytinen, Eino, Ranskan siirtomaavalta Afrikassa: Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston ja Eduskunnan kirjaston hankintoja. Helsinki 1978. (HYK) (EK) (TaYK) (JoYK)

Marcus, Harold, G., A modern history of Ethiopia and the horn of Africa. A select and annotated bibliography. Stanford 1972. (EK)

Mauro, Frédéric, L'Expansion Européenne (1600-1870). Presses universitaires de France. Paris 1964. (TY, pol.hist.)

McIlwaine, J.H. St.J., Theses on Africa 1963-1975 accepted by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. London 1978. (JoYK)

Mikkelsen, Britha, Industrial labour in Africa: an annotated bibliography. Uppsala 1979. (HY, maant.) (EK) (TY, pol.hist.)

Musiker, Reuben, South Africa. Oxford 1979. (EK)

Musiker, Reuben (ed.), World bibliographical series. Vol. 7: South Africa. Oxford 1979. (JoYK)

Muuttuva Afrikka: valikoima Afrikkaa, kehitysmaa- ja kehitysyhteistyöproblematiikkaa käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Koonnut Eira Vainio. Helsinki 1977. (HY, maant.)

Namibian Bibliographical Data Files. Bremen 1987. (JoY, hist.)

Namibische National-Bibliographie. Basel 1981. (HYK)

Neale, Caroline, Writing "independent" history: African historiography, 1960-1980. Westport, CO. 1985. (EK)

Norberg, Viveca Halldin, Litteratur om Afrika utgiven; Norden 1975-78: en annoterad bibliografi. Uppsala 1982. (EK)

Nordisk litteratur om utviklingshjelp.
En bibliografi 1945-1967. Mellemfoleligt Samvirke og SIDA. Oslo 1968.
Tillegg för 1968-1969. Oslo 1970.
(TY, pol.hist.)

Nordiska etnologiska och folkloristiska bibliografier. Åbo Akademi 1982. (EK)

Nyeko, Balam, Swaziland. Oxford 1982. (EK)

Nyere Afrika-litteratur.
Khvn. 1962.
Supplement. Khvn. 1963.
Supplement 1965. Khvn. 1965.

Ofcansky, Thomas P., British East Africa 1856-1963. An annotated bibliography. New York 1985. (JoYK)

The opening of the Nile basin. Writings by members of the Catholic mission to Central Africa on the geography and ethnography of the Sudan 1842-1881. Ed. by Elias Toniolo & Richard Hill. London 1974. (EK)

Pelissier, René, Africana bibliographies sur l'Afrique luso-hispanophone (1800-1980). Orgeval 1980. (JoYK)

Perustietoa Afrikasta. Toim. Tore Linné Eriksen & Britha Mikkelsen & Mai Palmberg; suom. Kirsti Floor. Helsinki 1988. (HY, maant.)

Porgès, Laurence, Sources d'information sur L'Afrique noire francophone et Madagascar: institutions, répertoires, bibliographies. Paris 1988. (TaYK)

Pyhälä, Mikko & Rylander, Kristina, Guinea-Bissau. En selektiv litteraturförteckning. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Upsala 1975. (TY, pol.hist.)

Reindorf, J., Scandinavians in Africa. Guide to materials relating to Ghana in the Danish National Archives. Oslo 1980. (JoYK)

Repertoire des memoires et theses consacres au Maghreb. Centre de la Mediterranee moderne et contemporaine. Nice 1979. (TY, pol.hist.)

Richard, Stephen, Directory of British official publications: a guide to sources. London 1981. (EK)

Rodier, J., Bibliographie hydrologique africaine. Paris 1963. (EK)

Ryder, A.F.C., Materials for West African History in Portugese Archives. University of London. The Athole Press 1965. (TY, pol. hist.)

Salmelin, Märta, Bibliografia Afrikan problematiikkaan liittyvistä pro graduista ja lisensiaattitutkimuksista. Helsinki 1970. (EK)

Schieven, Yvette, Bibliographies for African Studies 1980-83. Oxford 1984. (TaYK)

Schieven, Yvette, Bibliographies for African studies 1970-1986. London: Zell 1988. (HYK) (TaYK)

Schoeman, Elna, The Namibian issue 1920-1980. A select and annotated bibliography. Boston 1982. (JoYK)

Schoeman, Stanley, Namibia. Oxford 1984. (EK)

Scholtz, P.L. & Bredekamp, H.C. & Heese, H.F., Race Relations at the Cape of the Good Hope, 1652-1795: a select bibliography. Washington DC: Library of Congress 1981. (HYK)

A Select Bibliography. Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America. American Universities Field Staff, Inc. New York 1960. (TY, pol.hist.)

SIAS Current Contents. From Periodicals in the Library of the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. January 1988-. (JoY, hist.)

Sources of the African past: case studies of five nineteenth-century African societies. Ed. by David Robinson and Douglas Smith. London 1979. (TaYK)

Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Scandinavia. Vol. 2. Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Finland, Norway and Sweden. München 1981. (EK)

Strohmeyer, Eckhard, Namibische National-Bibliographie 1971-1975. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien 1978. (JoYK)

Strohmeyer, Eckhard, Namibische National-Bibliographie 1976-1977. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien 1979. (JoYK)

Strohmeyer, Eckhard, Namibische National-Bibliographie 1978-1979. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien 1981. (JoYK)

Strohmeyer, Eckhard, Umfassende Bibliographie der Völker Namibiens (Südwestafrikas) und Südwestangolas. Bd. 2. Karben 1982. (JoYK)

Strohmeyer, Eckhard, & Moritz, Walter, Umfassende Bibliographie der Völker Namibiens (Südwestafrikas) und Südwestangolas. Bd. 1. Karben 1975. (JoYK)

Sub-Saharan Africa. A guide to serials. Washington: Library of Congress 1970. (EK)

Survey of African Studies in the Soviet Union. USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Africa. Nauka Publisheing House. Moscow 1969. (TY, pol.hist.)

Thompson, Leonard & Elphick, Richard & Jarrick, Inez, Southern African history before 1900. A select bibliography of articles. Hoover institution bibliographical series 49. Stanford 1971. (EK)

Vahtola, Jukka (koonnut), Itä-Afrikkaa, erityisesti Tansaniaa käsittelevä pieni bibliografia. Helsinki 1975. (HY, maant.) (EK) (HYK)

Vikatmaa, Raija, Mobilisaatio Afrikassa. Bibliografia Turun korkeakoulujen kirjastoissa olevien tieteellisten aikakauslehtien Afrikan mobilisaatioon liittyvästä aineistosta vuosilta 1965-1976. Turku 1977. (TY, pol.hist.)

Walford's guide to reference material. Vol. 2: Social and historical sciences, philosophy and religion. 4. ed. London 1982. (EK)

Wallenius, Anna-Britta, Africana Scandinavica 1960-1968. Books on Africa published in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. Uppsala 1971. (TY, pol.hist.)

Wallenius, Anna-Britta & Plenge, Vagn, Litteratur om Afrika. (Annoterad bibliografi) Viborg 1973. (HY, maant.)

Wepsiec, Jan, Sociology: an international bibliography of serial publications 1880-1980. London 1983. (EK)

Willan, Brian, The Southern African materials project 1973-1976. London 1980. (JoYK)

Willet, Shelagh M. & Ambrose, David P., Lesotho, a comprehensive bibliography. Oxford 1980. (EK)

Witherell, Julian W., Africana acquisitions. Report of a publication survey trip to Nigeria, Southern Africa and Europe. 1972. Washington 1973. (EK)

Witherell, Julian W., French-speaking Central Africa. A guide to official publications in American libraries. Washington: Library of Congress 1973. (EK)

Witherell, Julian W., The United States and Africa. Guide to U.S. official documents and government-sponsored publications on Africa, 1785-1975. Washington: Library of Congress 1978. (EK)

Zoghby, Samir M., Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa. A partially annotated guide. Washington: Library of Congress 1978. (EK)

Edellinen * Sisällys * Lyhenteet * Seuraava

Agricolaverkon vintti