
ESEH Tallinn Dissertation Prize open for submissions

The European Society of Environmental History has initiated a new prize (Tallinn Dissertation Prize) to reward innovative doctoral dissertations based on original research in European environmental history. Dissertations defended in European countries or on a European topic (defended outside Europe) in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 are eligible.

You can find more details at  http://eseh.org/awards/tallinn-dissertation-prize/

The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2019!

Please consider submitting or spread the news about the Dissertation Prize among potential candidates within your network!

With all the best wishes for the New Year 2019, and warm greetings,

Paula Schönach

Paula Schönach (PhD)

ESEH Regional Representative for the Nordic countries

Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science

University of Helsinki, Finland