
Finnish-Japanese Symposium, Oulu 15.-16.9.2016

Call for papers

Interaction, Influence and Entanglement

100 years of Finnish-Japanese Relations and Beyond

 International Symposium


Location: University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Important dates:

Call open until April 30, 2016
Deadline for extended abstracts on August 10, 2016
Symposium on September 15–16, 2016.

The Japanese Studies Programme of the University of Oulu celebrates its 20th anniversary on September 15–16, 2016 with a symposium that acknowledges another forthcoming jubilee year. The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Finland and Japan 2019 calls researchers across disciplinary boundaries to analyze the past and present interaction and entangled relations between these two states, nations and societies.

As organizers of the ‘Interaction, Influence and Entanglement – 100 years of Finnish-Japanese Relations and Beyond’ Symposium we invite proposals both from postdoctoral researchers and PhD candidates. As the relationship between Japan and Finland are older than the diplomatic relations we welcome papers that address the long history of Finnish-Japanese encounters as well as papers that discuss contemporary and even future-oriented topics. While encouraging participants to challenge traditional phrasing of research questions through innovative and fresh approaches, the following list of possible themes is presented as a source of inspiration:

  • Political, economic and commercial relations between Finland and Japan
  • Cultural and educational bonds between Finland and Japan
  • Cooperation between Finland and Japan in various international arenas
  • Flows of knowledge, information, ideas and trends across national and cultural borders
  • Links and connections in aesthetics, arts and architecture
  • Policy transfers between Finland and Japan
  • Influential individuals, groups and organizations in the development of Finnish-Japanese relations
  • Finnish in Japan and/or Japanese in Finland
  • Finnish language in Japan and/or Japanese language in Finland


We ask you kindly to submit an abstract of 200-300 words by April 30, 2016 to Juha Saunavaara (). Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by May 10, 2016. The deadline for extended abstracts/summaries (2-4 pages) that are not published but distributed among the participants is on August 10, 2016.

The symposium language is English. There will be no registration fee for the symposium.

The symposium is also a starting point of an edited scientific volume that is to be published in the commemorative year of 2019. While we look forward to including many of the symposium presentations in the volume, we will also announce a separate call for papers after the symposium.

The symposium is co-organized by the University of Oulu Japanese Studies Programme, the Embassy of Japan in Finland and Hokkaido University Helsinki Office.


More information and queries:

Juha Saunavaara                                   Seija Jalagin

PhD, Senior Lecturer                              PhD, Associate Professor



Symposium website: