During the 2000s, digitised media sources have changed the practices of media history. To foster dialogue between approaches of digital history and media history, Nordic Media History Network (NOMEH) organizes a webinar series focusing on the topic from various perspectives.
The first seminar will be held on Wednesday 22 March 2023 at 12–13.30/13–14.30 (Scandinavian/Finnish time) in Zoom (https://utu.zoom.us/j/66757182943). At the seminar, Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen (University of Oslo) will give a speech with the title Ontologies and Tools to Study the Web of the Past. The presentation will be followed by two comment speeches held by Daniel Brodén (University of Gothenburg) and Liisa Näpärä (National Library of Finland). A joint discussion will follow the invited talks.
About the presenters:
MA Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen works at the National Library of Norway and is an adviser for digital research at the University of Oslo. His expertise covers the use of digital data, tools and methods in research of the past.
Associate professor Daniel Brodén is a film studies scholar at the University of Gothenburg. He is a research coordinator at the Center for Digital Humanities and the research infrastructure Swe-Clarin (financed by the Swedish Research Council).
PhD Liisa Näpärä is an information specialist at the National Library of Finland.
The Nordic Media History (NOMEH) network is a multidisciplinary research network that brings together Nordic scholars interested in media history, thereby enhancing regional cooperation within the field. The network will bring together Nordic media historians from the Nordic region (including the Baltic States).