The theme of the Fourth Finnish-Russian conference on the history of elites is ‘individuals, generations and social groups’.
The concept ‘elites’ is defined broadly: every society and social group – including peasants and workers – had their respective elites. Elite studies focus on the study of key persons, powerful groups and important social forces and formations in all their varieties.
The language of the conference is English, and there is no interpretation.
It is possible to attend the conference without giving a presentation.
All listeners must register in advance, 6 June 2022 at the latest.
To register, please contact Kristiina Kalleinen:
There is no participation fee.
All who wish to attend the conference dinner are required to make a reservation beforehand, by the end of May. Please contact:
The conference is organised by
The Imperial Era Network
with financial support from the Kone Foundation
and in cooperation with the
Finnish Historical Society