Konferenssit ja seminaarit

Law, Culture and Modern Vehicles, 1820-1960


9.30-10.45 Miloš Vec (University of Vienna): “From Innovation to Law? Technology Regulation in Six Movie Scenes”

10.45-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.15 Juhana Salojärvi (University of Helsinki): “By and by the Steamboat Intruded: Risks, Modernity and the Adaptation of Maritime Law”

Jussi Sallila (University of Helsinki): “Risk, Progress and Legal Tradition: Legal History of the Finnish Railways, 1855-1920”

12.15-13.30 Lunch break

13.30-14.45 Tiina Männistö-Funk (Chalmers University of Technology): “Cultural Histories of Modern Mobility: Identities, Ideals and Blind Spots”

14.45-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-16.15 Raija-Liisa Komulainen (University of Helsinki): “Urban, Modern and Hazardous? Risks and Regulation of Trams in Finland 1880-1950”

Mia Korpiola (University of Turku): “’Mocking and laughing the gentlemen continued their trip”: Automobiles, Accidents and Class Conflict in Finland ca. 1895-1915”