Glossan esitelmätilaisuudessa 18.2.2019 Philip Line puhuu otsikolla ”’Man is an animal. Man is not an animal.’ Humans and Brute Beasts in medieval natural philosophy'” eläimistä ja ihmisistä keskiajan luonnonfilosofiassa: millä tavoin eläinten ja ihmisten erot ja yhtäläisyydet miellettiin ja miten keskiajan asenteet vaikuttavat ja vertautuvat nykypäivän asenteisiin? Esitelmä alkaa klo 18:00 Tieteiden talon (Kirkkokatu 6) salissa 404. Tilaisuus on avoin eikä vaadi ennakkoilmoittautumista – tervetuloa!
Esitelmän abstrakti:
Philip Line will talk about the development of ideas about the similarities and differences between humans and non-human animals in medieval natural philosophy. The Old Testament and especially its account of the Creation provided the foundation for ideas of the place that “man” and the animals had in the cosmos, but biblical precepts were augmented by the scientific theories of classical scientist-philosophers, especially Aristotle, from the twelfth century onwards. Although Christian theological dogma restricted natural philosophy in many ways, it was by no means static and medieval thinkers increasingly allowed animals abilities that narrowed the gap between them an humans. Whether and how medieval attitudes have survived into modern times, and even whether some modern attitudes to animals represent a step backwards for their wellbeing, will be considered briefly at the end of the talk.
Philip Line has been writing a book on medieval attitudes to animals for some years, and is now conducting research alongside several other researchers as part of the project ’Ihmisen naapurit ja kumppanit: Muunlajisten eläinten luonne ja asema antiikin ja keskiajan filosofiassa, kirjallisuudessa ja kulttuuriperinteessä’ (‘Neighbours and companions of humans: the nature and place of other animals in ancient and medieval philosophy, literature and cultural tradition’), funded by the Kone Foundation.