Tampereen yliopisto ja Suomen Akatemian kokemuksen historian huippuyksikkö (HEX) järjestävät professori emeritus Pertti Haapalan pitkää ja merkittävää uraa juhlaseminaarissa torstaina 2.6. (Tampereen yliopiston Päätalon Juhlasali, kello 17-19.30). Tapahtuman kieli on englanti. Alla ohjelma ja linkki rekisteröitymiseen.
Tampere University and Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences (HEX) will organize a seminar to celebrate Professor Emeritus Pertti Haapala´s long and significant career.
The event will take place in Tampere University Main Building´s main auditorium (Auditorium A210) on Thursday 2nd June at 5–7.30. p.m. (Coffee service starting at 04.30).
Welcome, Professor Pirjo Markkola
Tampere University´s Greetings, Professor Juho Saari, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Writing the Nation Today: Challenges and Pitfalls, Professor Stefan Berger
The Promise of Social History. On the Role of Theory in Pertti Haapala’s Research, Professor Marja Jalava
From Theory to Social Change in the 21st Century: How can we save the planet?, Professor Christopher Lloyd
History of Society and the Lived Welfare State, University Researcher Minna Harjula
Lived Religion in Early Modern Society and Other Histories of Experiences That Never Were, Professor Raisa Toivo
Concluding remarks, Professor Emeritus Pertti Haapala
Ilmoittautuminen ja info (suomeksi): https://www.tuni.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/seminar-celebrate-professor-emeritus-pertti-haapala
Registration and info (in English): https://www.tuni.fi/en/news/seminar-celebrate-professor-emeritus-pertti-haapala