Tule kuuntelemaan klo 16 ( 13 GMT) webinaariin Dr. John H. Falkin esitystä aiheesta The Value of Museums: Enhancing Societal Well-Being. Dr Falk on monelle museoammattilaiselle tuttu oppimisen tutkija. Hän tarkastelee esityksessään museokäynnin vaikutuksia koettuun laaja-alaiseen hyvinvointiin ja museokäynnin koettuun arvoon sekä miten museo voi hyödyntää tätä tietoa omassa toiminnassaan.
Abstract: The talk will focus on how museum professionals can better understand and explain the benefits created by museum experiences. Knowingly or not, the business of museums has always been to support and enhance the public’s personal, intellectual, social, and physical well-being. Over the years, museums have excelled at this task, as evidenced by the almost indelible memories museum experiences engender. People report that museum experiences make them feel better about themselves, more informed, happier, healthier, and more enriched; all outcomes directly related to enhanced well-being. Historically, benefits such as enhanced well-being were seen as vague and intangible, but Falk will describe how enhanced well-being, when properly conceptualized, can be defined and measured. The talk will conclude with suggestions for how these insights about well-being might be used as a strategy for helping museum better adapt to the rapidly changing and challenging times ahead.
Webinaari on osa ICOM:n koulutuksen komitean jäsentilaisuutta, mutta kaikki kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita mukaan.
Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätiedot ohjelmasta: http://ictop.org/conferences/2021-2/1019-2/