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Workshop on public engagement and research dissemination for early career researchers

Please sign up for a workshop on public engagement and research dissemination that will be held at the University of Helsinki, 9 March 2023, 10.00-15.00.

This workshop is for you if you want to:

Learn how to share your research to the broader audiences
Get tips about how to disseminate your research via blogs, trade publications, magazine articles & newspapers
Practice communicating your research beyond academia
The workshop is open to all interested and you can participate on-site (University of Helsinki, main building, U3032, Unioninkatu 34) or digitally.

For more information or to register (by 6 March 2023), please visit: https://thy.fi/toiminta/earlycareerworkshops/

Workshop description:

All too often doctoral researchers and ECRs hear about impact, public engagement, or scientific quality relating to the dissemination of research. Although much of the humanities relies on academic publications as a key component to address these elements, there are a variety of ways to communicate and publish your research. This workshop explores disseminating research and engaging with a broader audience in a variety of ways. For example, participants will gain a better understanding of how to turn a research project into a non-fiction book aimed at the broader audience. Moreover, the workshop explores what impact and public engagement means, and discusses the dos and donts of different forms of publications like blogs, trade publications, magazine articles, and newspapers. The workshop also consists of an interactive activity to practice communicating research to non-specialist and broader audiences.

Workshop speakers:

Riitta Monto (Professor of Practice, University of Turku, Founder of Dicto and former editor-in-chief of Turun Sanomat)

Jarkko Vesikansa (Publishing Manager, Otava)

Markku Jokisipilä (Professor, University of Turku)


The workshop is part of a workshop series provided by Turun Historiallinen Yhdistys and the University of Helsinki. The series is generously supported by the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing.