Esitelmät ja keskustelutilaisuudet

Monuments and Colonialism

Sept. 8 at 5PM (Finnish time)
What place do colonial statues occupy within conceptions of Europe’s cultural heritage? Our panel discusses how statues became a central focus point of activism and why this is appearing across Europe and globally right now? What type of colonial heritages do specific monuments commemorate, what narratives they convey and hide, and how/why are some of them contested, while others are not?

What “Must Fall”?: Monuments vs Historical memory
Dr. Hephzibah Israel (Edinburgh)
Are all colonial statues the same? Reflections on a sentence by Frantz Fanon
Prof. Bertrand Tillier (Paris)
Followed by panel discussion.
Moderators: Janne Lahti and Josephine Hoegaerts (Helsinki)

Join us at Tiedekulma (Yliopistonkatu 4), University of Helsinki
or online here: