Esitelmät ja keskustelutilaisuudet

TUCEMEMS-kuukausiesitelmä: Constantine and his Illyrian predecessors

(In English Below)

TUCEMEMSin syyskuun kuukausiesitelmä pidetään 22.9.2022 klo 16.15-17.45, tervetuloa!

Puhuja ja aihe: Assistant Professor Stanislav Doležal (University of South Bohemia): “Constantine and his Illyrian predecessors”

Paikka: Turun yliopisto, Arcanum, 3. kerroksen seminaaritila A355/357 ja ZOOM. Ilmoittautuminen etätapahtumaan: (ilmoittautumalla saat Zoom-linkin ja salasanan).

Huom! Ilmoittautua tarvitsee vain etäosallistumista varten, paikan päälle saa saapua vapaasti!

Abstract: Without doubt, Constantine (306-337) was one of the most important Roman Emperors, not only in his own right, but also thanks to his predecessors and their legacy. He built on their successes and introduced important political, religious or social changes during his reign partly owing to the work of previous Illyrian Emperors. Therefore, it is important to place Constantine in this context and explore the history of the Roman Empire through the second half of the third century, highlighting the essential continuity between Constantine’s reign and those of the Illyrian Emperors.


TUCEMEMS Monthly Presentation, September 22nd from 16:15 to 17:45.

Place: University of Turku, Arcanum, 3rd floor seminar room A355/357 and ZOOM.

Registration for online participation: (Link and password to Zoom are given after registration)

Registration is needed for online participation only!

Title and abstract: See above.