Onko kulttuuriperintöhankkeesi kansainvälisesti huipputasoinen tai erityisen hyvä malli muille? Hae nyt Euroopan kulttuuriperintöpalkintoa!
Hanke voi olla konservointikohde, tutkimushanke tai liittyä koulutukseen ja kurssitukseen. Se voi olla yhtä lailla kampanja kulttuuriperintötietoisuuden parantamiseksi. Myös kulttuuriperinnölle omistautuneita henkilöitä ja ryhmiä palkitaan. Hakuaika päättyy 1. lokakuuta. Hakemuskieli on englanti tai ranska.
The European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards (previously the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards) was launched in 2002 by the European Commission as part of the Culture Programme, which has now been succeeded by the Creative Europe Programme. Since its launch, Europa Nostra, the Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe, has been responsible for running this awards scheme on the basis of its long experience in publicly recognising individual or joint excellence in the field of cultural heritage at a European level.
The Awards are granted annually to identify and promote best practices in the conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, to stimulate the trans-frontier exchanges of knowledge and experience throughout Europe, to enhance public awareness and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage, and to encourage further excellent initiatives through the power of example.
Outstanding heritage achievements will be awarded in the following categories:
● Conservation
● Dedicated service by individuals or organisations
● Research
● Education, training and awareness-raising
Criteria for the assessment and selection of entries include: excellence in the work executed and preliminary research conducted, respect for artistic, cultural and social value, setting, authenticity, integrity as well as the European dimension of the entry. Its innovation, sustainability, interpretation and presentation, educational work, funding and management, social responsibility, and audience development will also be considered. Entries can be related to tangible, intangible or digital heritage. They can be ranging on a scale from small to large, from local to European and international.
The European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards will honour up to 30 outstanding heritage achievements from all parts of Europe every year. The number of awards each year will depend on the type and quality of entries received.
Among the winners, four projects (one per category) will be selected as Grand Prix winners and one will receive the Public Choice Award following an online vote conducted via the Europa Nostra website. In addition, two new ILUCIDARE5 Special Prizes will be awarded in
2020 and 2021 from among the submitted applications. ILUCIDARE is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme with the aim of fostering heritage-led innovation and diplomacy. ILUCIDARE will contribute to the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards by identifying and promoting best practices in cultural heritage-led innovation and diplomacy.
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