The first Indian Pacific, a great transcontinental rail adventure, first left Sydney for Perth in 1970. Thous­ands of well-wishers gat­h­ered a few days later to welcome its safe arrival in Perth, cap­it­al of Western Aust­ralia. It was the first time one train had been ab­le to complete the 4,352 ks journey from ocean to ocean,…

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StKilda once celebrated its reputation as a centre of privilege and taste, the wealthiest suburb in C19th Melbourne. Although spouse and I lived in St­Kilda from 1976 on, I knew nothing of this cool C19th history. So I was very pl­eased to connect old StKilda to a broader context, apprec­ia­t­ing the way C19th StKilda reflected…

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Street Libraries are homes for books, planted in families’ front yard. They are accessible from the street, and are an invitation to share the joys of reading with neighbours. Street Libraries’ books come and go without checking them in or out. People can sim­­ply reach in and take what interests them; when they are done,…

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The discovery of gold in 1851 attracted Chinese imm­ig­ration to Vic­toria. Ships sailed to Australia from Hong Kong with their cargo of men who had come in search of the new gold fields. From 1853-5, thousands of Chinese disembarked here. Very few Chin­ese women came to Australia during this period so by 1861, 38,000+ Chinese…

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Geelong lad Arthur Streeton (1867-1943) studied at the Nat­ional Gallery School of Art in Melbourne from 1884-7. In summer 1886 he painted with Frederick McCubbin and Tom Roberts in Mentone. In 1887 he camped and painted with Louis Abrahams, Tom Roberts and Frederick Mc­Cub­bin on a rural property in Heidelberg. Thus The Heidelberg School of…

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Peter was the first child born to Helen & Joseph; first grandchild to Thelma & Les in Melbourne, and to Chaya & Yehuda in Sydney; and first great grandchild to Sarah and Peter. He was conceived in Israel, born in Brit­ain in 1972, went to pre-school in Perth and arrived in Melbourne ready for school. He had…

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Olen väitöskirjassani tutkinut, kuinka tiettyjen brittitoimijoiden ryhmät osallistuivat Australian mannerta koskevan tiedon tuottamiseen 1800-luvun keskivaiheilla. Tutkimukseni näkökulma on ajankohtainen ja nykyhetken kannalta kiinnostava, sillä kysymykset siitä, kuinka ymmärrykset globaalisti tunnustetuista ”tosiasioista” ovat syntyneet, ovat läsnä monien nykypäivän ilmiöiden kohdalla.

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