Clown with young child in bed, ? hospital Biomedical ScienceMedical clowns in a U.S hospital health-care team started when a professional clown at NY’s Big Apple Circus founded Clown Care in 1986. Cl­own­ing became a well-established way of helping patients of all ages during their recov­ery. Clowning in health-care sett­ings called for a special way of inter­acting with…

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Shakshuka probably came from Africa’s Maghreb, the regions of North Africa along the Mediterranean Sea. Plus note that the word meaning shaken comes from the Tunisian dialect. An alternative history is that shakshuka came from Yemen or Ottoman Emp­ire in the C16th when Hernan Cortés brought tomatoes to the area as part of the Columbian exchange.…

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Street Libraries are homes for books, planted in families’ front yard. They are accessible from the street, and are an invitation to share the joys of reading with neighbours. Street Libraries’ books come and go without checking them in or out. People can sim­­ply reach in and take what interests them; when they are done,…

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Peter was the first child born to Helen & Joseph; first grandchild to Thelma & Les in Melbourne, and to Chaya & Yehuda in Sydney; and first great grandchild to Sarah and Peter. He was conceived in Israel, born in Brit­ain in 1972, went to pre-school in Perth and arrived in Melbourne ready for school. He had…

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In the Christian tradition, journeying was associated with conversion: all pil­g­rim roads potentially led to Damas­cus. All Christians were stained with sin in his life, but individuals’ motives for going on pilgrimage differed from person to person: to seek health care; ful­fil pil­grim­age vows made during crises; do penance for sins; give thanks for blessings…

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Helmikuussa Brasilian presidentti Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva rinnasti Israelin sodan terroristijärjestö Hamasia vastaan Natsi-Saksan harjoittamaan holokaustiin sanoen ettei Gazassa tapahtuva konflikti ”ole sota, se on kansanmurha.” Lulan puhe tuomittiin laajasti, jotkut jopa syyttivät häntä antisemitistiksi. Lula ei ole yksin näkemyksensä kanssa siitä, että Israel suorittaa Gazan palestiinalaisalueella kansanmurhaa, mutta voiko sen rinnastaa holokaustiin? Jos…

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Palestiinalaispakolaiset ovat säilyttäneet vanhojen kotitalojensa avaimet symbolisoimaan paluuta. Pakolaisilla on kansainvälisen lain mukaan oikeus palata kotinsa. Kuva Nakban 75-vuotispäivän mielenosoituksesta Gazan kaistan rajalla Khan Yunisista itään 1.5.2023. AFP.Maailma on kohta kaksi kuukautta seurannut kauhuissaan, kun Israel on hirvittävällä hävitysvimmalla tuhonnut tiukasti saartamaansa Gazan kaistaa. Tätä kirjoittaessa vahvistettuja kuolonuhreja on jo yli 15 000, joista yli…

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